I attended a weekend workshop with Lynn Robinson on Intuition which was a very practical class. Lynn is the author of Divine Intuition, Trust Your Gut, and has a new book called Listen coming out in December. We are all more intuitive than we give ourselves credit for! As Lynn says: "When you listen to the whispers of your soul and take small steps forward, a new dream emerges. You have access to the gift of divine intuition to guide you to the fulfillment of that dream. Each time you ask for guidance and act on the wisdom you receive, you align your mind with the mind of God; you tap into a stream of conscious guidance that is divine intuition."
I then attended a seven day intensive "Insight and Opening" workshop facilitated by Jack Kornfield and Dr. Stanislav Grof. The focus of this workshop was on meditation and breathwork. This workshop has made me more aware of the importance of the breath in everything we do and how the breath connects us to greater consciousness.
I think it takes time for new learning to settle into one's body and so I am allowing myself to slowly process all that I learnt.

This sounds like a wonderful workshop, full of knowledge that will tnat can be used for all aspects of your life.
Came across your blog and was paging back... found this image and just had to say "lovely, rustic, enigmatic" - but that's not quite it either.
Suffice to say I find the image intriguing.
Love the quote from Mary Oliver and the poem from the previous post - one that I memorized many, many years ago!
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