It has taken me almost a year to complete this project and I am most grateful to my husband Paul for helping me with it as I know I couldn't have done it on my own. I can't tell you why I felt this urge to have my own labyrinth. I hope to use it as a daily meditation for those days when I can't sit still long enough to go within. It will also be part of my classes as I believe in the power of the labyrinth.
When I visited Paris a number of years ago, I made a point of taking a day trip to Chatres to see the labyrinth there. I was disappointed as it was covered with chairs and there was not much information available about the labyrinth.
According to Lauren Artress, the author of The Sacred Path Companion: A Guide to Walking the Labyrinth to Heal and Transform: " A labyrinth nurtures the capacity to reflect ... To reflect upon your experiences is the only way you learn the art of being human ... Walking the labyrinth literally opens a new realm."
I'm looking forward to the new insights my labyrinth brings me.